What’s Up with Syllabus Week?

What’s Up with Syllabus Week?

Syllabus week is rough. Sitting through class after class of professors talking at you about the ten bazillion assignments you absolutely must complete in a very short amount of time can feel exhausting. Truth. If you’re feeling bogged down this week, try one of these tips:

  • Imagine yourself at the end of the semester: Envisioning success is the first step to achieving success, so dream big. It may sound weird, but visualizing works.
  • Map it all out: Write down your deadlines. Seeing everything at a glance can alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety.
  • Remember that doing something badly is better than not doing it at all: Prioritize turning things in, even if you feel like it’s not good. You’ll learn more from a course if you do, and any grade is better than a zero.

College is hard, but you’re a baddie. Go tackle this semester. Peace.