Finishing the Semester Strong: A Post-Thanksgiving Pep Talk

Finishing the Semester Strong: A Post-Thanksgiving Pep Talk

Thanksgiving break has just ended. Finals are around the corner. The assignments are piling up. This is the epitome of crunch time. It’s going to be hard, but here are three tips from a hardened college vet on how to finish strong:

  1. Get back into a routine (or start one!). A good routine usually hinges on going to bed at a semi-decent time. I know, so much easier said than done, but the semester is almost over, so dig deep. Get enough sleep, eat meals consistently, schedule in study time, and make sure to exercise (even if it’s just taking a walk or doing a 10-min exercise video). Having a routine will help you stay healthy and ensure you have time to study.
  2. Make a master to-do list. Write down everything you need to do from now until your last final, then schedule it all out. Watching that list rapidly shrink as these weeks fly by is some kind of high. Also, it will be so much easier to find time for the fun things you inevitably want to do this time of year (cue the Christmas lights, end-of-semester parties, etc.) if you have a clear sense of what assignments need to get done and when.
  3. Find a buddy. ‘Tis the season for study groups. Find a friend or two in each of your classes, someone to help you prep for finals and to study with between now and the end of the semester. Sticking to your routine can be rough, but having people holding you accountable for study time can help. Plus, working with people will make everything feel more fun and doable.

You’ve got a lot on your plate, but getting through finals will make you feel like the strongest person in the world. You can do it. Once it’s over, enjoy the feeling of finishing all your classes, having no homework, and relaxing with family. You’ve earned it.

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